Travel teams
The Alameda Airborne plays out of town games: at other East Bay cities during the fall season, and at tournaments in the off-season.
Contact us if you would like to play for Alameda at any of these tourneys.
December 8: USA Flag Open, Hayward CA
January 26: Battle of the Young Gunz, Stockton CA
Played In 2024
Played In 2024
January: The Olympians played Battle of the Young Gunz in Galt, CA
June: The Alameda Hornets formed the core of a team that played in Vacaville, CA
June: Our sister team, the East Baes, took first place in Santa Cruz, CA
September: The Airborne visited Piedmont Middle School (pictured above). Congratulations to the Airborne Junior and Senior divisions on their victories.